The current perspective on mental health is obviously not working. It's being treated as a business and does not truly serve the people's best interest. Entheogenic Plants and Fungi done in a spiritual setting and with the intent of obtaining spiritual growth are proven to help us let go of trauma by helping bring a new perspective to one's journey through life. Today our soldiers are enjoying the benefits of this therapy, and so should we all.
Treating mental illness as a community should be our number 1 priority
Healing of the mind can only be accomplished through perception.
Perception can only be changed through self awareness.
Self awareness only helps if you're willing to change your mind.
Awareness that there are but 2 choices to choose from, Peace or Conflict. The choice is yours, choose wisely
The universe gives you back the energy you put out. This is true karmic law which is manifestation and forms our perspective. Change how you see and see how you change.
Don't pray for world peace, pray for peace in your world!
Tribe is a grass roots movement assisting in the shift of collective consciousness by raising individual consciousness allowing us to overcome the world by overcoming the mind. Practicing UNCONDITIONAL LOVE through compassion and understanding. May we all remain spiritually protected.
Are you passionate about helping your community? Let me help by offering a fresh perspective. An outside the box perspective. Mental health improves by transfiguration through the renewing of the mind. Finding peace within is obtainable to each and every one us!!!
You are a vibration, 7.83hz to be precise, the same frequency as the planet. We all matter!
Your spirit is a light being that lives within you, and your soul is your mind will and emotions. This teaching is critical, we are one with the creator not separate and apart.
Tribe is an Introduction to your spirit
Tribe is energy awareness
Tribe is mental health recovery through spirit
Tribe is community/gov unification
Tribe is peace & unconditional love
Tribe is 100% acceptance
Tribe is walking in spirit
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